
Two Hands On Activities for Littles

I don’t know about your kids, but when I tell mine that I have an activity for them to do, they get super excited. So here are two ideas that are guaranteed to make your littles learn while having fun.

Activity 1: Color Sort with Tongs

Materials –
1 pair of tongs per kid
Plastic cups (one cup per color)
Colorful items (think manipulative, craft items, crayons, or even legos!)

Here’s what we did-
We have these dinosaurs that we used all through virtual kindergarten. I labeled 6 cups with a piece of paper and the color word. At first I wrote all the labels in black and quickly realized Jagger can’t read so I went back and wrote red in red, yellow in yellow, and so on.

We used plastic tongs that I had saved from a recent Olive Garden Catered dinner to pick up the dinosaurs and sort them into the correct color cup.

You could sort by color, shape, size, type of dinosaur, texture.. endless possibilities! Kids are working on sorting, analyzing objects, and fine motor skills with this activity.

Activity 2: Fluffly Colorful Bubbles

1/4 cup liquid dish soap
1/2 cup water
Food Coloring (optional)

Here’s what we did-
First we measured out our ingredients and poured them into my mixer. Then, using the wisk attachment we mixed the soap, water, and food coloring for 30 seconds to 1 minute. Your mixture will be nice and fluffy! Lastly, scoop bubbles into a container using a rubber spatula. Repeat for the above steps for multiple colors. I made two colors because I let the boys each pick a color.

After the bubbles were in the container we decided to have a car wash. We dropped cars, sponges, and paint brushes into our bubbles. Another idea is to add sea creatures and create an ocean bubble scene. Again, endless possibilities.

Give them a try and let me know how they go!


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