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Summer ’24 Recap!

White Peach Sangria

Why it’s a Simply Katie Lynn Favorite:
– It’s versatile — Made with fresh or frozen ingredients, this sangria comes together with whatever version of its ingredients you have on hand.
– It’s a time-saver — This recipe can be made in advance, so you’re not rushing to make it hours before your guests arrive.
– It’s perfectly refreshing – Served with ice and lots of Summer fruits like peaches and blueberries, this white wine sangria is the perfect way to beat the heat!

– 1 bottle of your favorite white wine (Sav Blanc or Pino Grigio)
– 1 large peach, thinly sliced*
– 1/2 c peach schnapps (or any fruit-flavored liquor)
– 1/3 cup fresh blueberries*
– 1-2 tablespoons agave nectar
optional: sparkling water (or fruit-flavored seltzer or champs!)
*Make it truly your won by adding your favorite fruits or whatever you have on hand

– Add peach schnapps, peaches, blueberries, agave, mint, and white wine to a large pitcher
– Stir and let sit for at least an hour in the refrigerator. Best to sit for 4 hours.
– when ready to serve, top with sparking water. Serve over ice with fruit from the sangria. Add fresh mint and garnish with more fruit as desired

Photos courtesy Frisco STYLE Magazine (and @nataliecatherinephoto!)

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