Always Date Your Spouse

Hey Pretties!

It’s almost the weekend and that means parents night out aka date night with my forever boyfriend (hah! the hubs). We are blessed that our family all lives within 30 minutes of us, so we have a plethora of babysitters available at the drop of a hat. I’m a firm believer that you should always date your spouse and have some time without the kiddos around, so our date nights are staples in our relationship.

We’ve got a couple favorite date night spots, but we are always open to trying new places (if you’ve got a recommendation!) One year we purchased season tickets for the Texas Rangers and had baseball date nights to look forward to. Those were amazing and on Friday nights we got fireworks! We still go to the Ranger games, but we purchase single game tickets now since we’re busier and have two littles. An additional bonus for Ranger games is my mom-car is a Park Place Lexus and they have free valet parking at the games!

When we’re not Ranger Game-ing, the hubs and I are foodies so we are always open to trying anything that involves food and cocktails! Recently, we double dated with our fav couple at Sushi Marquee at The Star in Frisco. Everything about this place is fab! They play 80’s 90’s music, have delicious sushi options (my fav is the Godzilla), and the drinks were flowing! If you love sushi give it a try!

Here’s a list of some of our favs for you to try:
Ice Cream- Cow Tipping Creamery 
Pizza- Grimaldi’s 
Sporty- Top Golf, Ranger Games, Rough Rider Games, Dallas Stars Hockey Games, Pin Stack
Movies… um we don’t go to the movies! Honestly, it’s pricey and we both don’t care for it! 
Margaritas and Queso- Blue Goose 
Anything at Legacy West and The Star in Frisco is perfection too!

To be really honest with y’all, they say, “it’s the simple things in life,” and it’s SO true…date nights are all the more special to me because I love being able to walk holding my husband’s hand. I know that sounds super silly and you’re probably like “what!?” but let me explain… now that we have kids, anytime we are in public he is typically pushing a stroller or holding a child. Very rarely does my husband have the chance to walk hand in hand with me. So, when the opportunity presents itself I take advantage of it. He’s my boo and while we are torn in a million directions with kids, work, and life but when we have time for us I take it (and him!) by the hand and run!


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