
Baby Food

Mama talk time! How did you pick out what baby food you were going to give your child? Do you spend hours blending homemade baby food and making your own? Do you have a specific brand you love from the store? There are so many options and there isn’t just one “right” answer! AND… did your baby food ways change with baby number 2 or baby 3?!

With Rocker (my first kiddo) we did all organic, he ate better than we did! Ironic now because he eats his boogers. I tried homemade baby food for about two weeks and decided it wasn’t for me. So to Target we went! We LOVE Plum Organics products. Their pouches and finger foods made it easy for us to feed Rocker quality food and flavors, and it was an absolute bonus that he loved the taste. He also got some Gerber finger foods when he started to crawl. When he started eating less “baby food” we still bought him the Plum brand apple sauces because they were quick, easy, and he loved them.

Then along came Jagger (my second little love!)! Jagger eats just about anything he can get his hands on even if its on the floor. We still love our Plum Organics but we’ve branched out to Gerber foods. Gerber has baby food in plastic cups that come with a lid that we’ve been buying lately. Jag loves all of the flavors, and, just like his brother, he’s a fan of the Gerber finger foods…especially their cheese puffs. 

There are a lot of baby food options out there! I recommend new parents do their research, follow their pediatrician guidelines for introducing new foods, and have the camera ready when you give your little a new flavor to capture the funny faces.


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