Valentine’s Day Idea for Littles

Can y’all believe I am even writing anything about Valentine’s day! We just celebrated New Years for crying out loud! Hah! Well believe it because if you’re a planner like me, you’ll want to snag things before they’re sold out.

In true Katie fashion, I like to go a little extra when it comes to the kids and will most definitely be doing these come Feb 1. So here goes, steal some ideas and share some ideas in comments!

Valentine’s Day Books:
Here’s my Amazon List of all Valentine’s books! We have quite a few of these but I always throw in some new ones. The boys have two book shelves in their room that I rotate to match holidays and seasons.

Love Notes:
Last year I purchased some red and white doilies from the Target Dollar Spot. Each morning (Feb 1-14), I would write a “I love you because….” on the doily and tape it on their door. The boys loved the personalized notes. You could write these on foam shaped hearts or any kind of cut outs. The craft section and dollar spot are a great place to shop. Think teacher bulletin board cut outs.

A girlfriend of mine spells out her kids names on their door and makes an acrostic poem (love this idea too!). Example down below:

R- really good at doing ninja kicks
O- outstanding skateboarder
C- caranon ball champion (he doesn’t say cannon ball, caranon)
K- kind hearted
E- energy for days
R- responsible and reliable

Valentine’s Day Pajamas:
My gosh y’all some of these are already sold out in sizes I need!! Eek! When it comes to pajamas for the kids I usually frequent Old Navy, Carters, and Target.

Carters Favorite: Baby, Toddler, Kid (same set in all the sizes!)

Old Navy Favorites: Love Dinosaurs, Trucks and Hearts, Love Monster

My plans is to make a basket for each kiddo. I’ll find little valentines candies, a book, some pajamas, socks, maybe a coloring set, and other small goodies (typically no toys).

The kids are super into dinos these days so a dino theme Valentine’s Basket is in the works. Hit up the dollar spot at Target, it truly is the best! I found two of these countdown calendars in the dollar spot for $3 each. There are tattoos/stickers in some of the spots so be sure to get one for each kid if you have multiple! Kinda hard to share a sticker, hah! They’re sold out online but you may be able to find one in stores.

Make it fun and cute, it doesn’t have to be expensive or crazy! Tell your babes you love them and why you love them. In 1995 (I’m dating myself here) my mom gave me a ceramic teddy bear statue and on the bottom she wrote, “Happy Valentine’s Day 1995 Love, Mom”. It was sitting on my nightstand when I woke up and I LOVED it, obviously because its currently in my night stand and it’s way past 1995!

I’m super excited to read your ideas and what you’ve done in the past for your littles! Add a comment below to share!

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