Surprise We’re Pregnant!

Well here we go with baby #3! We knew we wanted to do something a little different with this pregnancy so we changed it up a little bit. For those of you that don’t know, we didn’t find out the gender of the boys during pregnancy. We wanted it to be a surprise and Craig got to share the news from the hospital nursery with friends/family through the glass. Craig and I made the deal that if the baby was a boy he would name and if it was a girl I could name (I’m 0-2!)

Third times a charm- with this pregnancy we kept it a secret until 12 weeks. Which was a challenge because man does a woman’s body remember what its like quicker with each pregnancy! I was wearing every loose article of clothing I could find when we saw family! I did the blood test through my doctor to determine the gender. We decided to tell everyone we were pregnant at the same time we found out the gender by throwing a “surprise we’re pregnant and we’re finding out at the same time party”. It was SO fun!

We basically threw our own gender reveal party. I got balloons, decorations, made sugar cookies, had food catered, and announced with powder cannons. My bestie, Allie, ordered the cannons and was the secret keeper. We had so much fun sharing the double announcement and are so excited for this bundle of joy to make us a party of 5!

So here we go… baby girl coming April 2020!

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