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Summer Bucket List

I read a post the other day that said, “You only get 18 summers with your kids. Make the most of them!” which is so scary and true all at the same time. So, with that, I bring you our 25 bucket list items for this summer!

  1. Family Vacation! (planned for June @ JW Marriott in San Antonio!)
  2. Our first road trip as a family of 4!
  3. Make smores over a fire
  4. Sidewalk chalk the front sidewalk
  5. Run in the sprinklers
  6. Swim at Grandma and Poppa’s
  7. Shoot fireworks with Memaw and Papaw on the fourth of July
  8. Go to a Rangers baseball game (at least one!)
  9. Go to as many splash pads possible! 
  10. Keep cool inside with movie slumber parties in the living room
  11. Build forts with sheets, pillows, and blankets
  12. Jagger’s birthday party! (I can’t believe he will already be one!)
  13. Visit the Crayola Experience
  14. Movie nights at the local athletic center pool
  15. More Soccer Shots for Rocker
  16. Emler Swim School classes
  17. Play dates with all of our favorite people
  18. Eat as many “ice pickles” (popsicles) as possible! 
  19. Take lots of pictures
  20. Eat snow cones at Bahama Bucks, Ice Cream at DQ, and Shakes at Sonic
  21. Jagger walking hopefully! (Yikes)
  22. Target dates/field trips with Aunt Kit Kat
  23. Take Rocker to his first movie
  24. Putt Putt Golf date with the boys
  25. Play football at The Star football field

What are your plans this summer? Whatever they are, make the most of your time and enjoy every moment! 

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