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Playroom Update

One morning, while cleaning out my email in box, I opened a Target ad email with the coolest looking play fort. I just knew we had to buy it, customize it, and add it to our playroom for the kids. So naturally when I opened the link it was sold out… for months. Like the crazy woman I am, I stalked it… for months. Finally after three months of the most ultimate stalking it was back in stock! CLICK Add to cart!

Linked HERE

So here we are with the coolest fort on the planet on the way! When it arrived it came in 3 boxes: 1 full of the wood, 1 with the slide, and 1 with the house folded accordion style.

I knew I wanted it to be customized since it would be staying in the house. We purchased white and black spray paint from our local Home Depot. It’s truly been one of the best purchases I’ve made for the kids. Here’s our process and playroom update! I’ll add as many links as I can!

We had the best little helpers!
Cleared out the space!
We did not use all of the side rails.
Finish product! I know my banner is missing a letter… kids.
Boom! Playroom update complete! I’m sure I’ll add things to this room over time but I’m super impressed with how it turned out. All links below!

RugChairs and OttomansPlayhouseBannerSpray Paint

If you have any questions or need more details feel free to comment!

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