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Playroom Details

Schools are closed today due to the ice (remember we are in Texas) and this room does NOT currently look this fabulous. I just shut the doors and the mess disappears… kind of.

I get a lot of questions about the items we use in this space because it is so kid friendly and pleasing to they eye.

AMAZON: Everything from the collage is linked here –> Amazon Links

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The room feels so much bigger with storage options that are more vertical. This shelf is perfect for the kids and Rocker can keep his smaller toys near the top so that little sister doesn’t help herself.

Target: Everything from the collage is linked here –> Links

Our playhouse looks different because we painted it white and black to match the rest of the house.

The playroom needs to be organized and simple otherwise my kids will not gravitate towards the space. I mean, who wants to play in chaos!? Not I said.. the mom!


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