Osmo Detective Agency

As an educator for 10+ years and a mom of three y’all know I am “all in” when it comes to games that are fun and educational. Osmo checks both of those boxes for kids! My oldest kiddo Rocker recently received the Osmo Detective Agency game and my goodness if it isn’t the neatest thing you have ever seen!

Osmos Detective agency gives kids the opportunity to run their own detective agency! Think Where in the World is Karmen San Diego circa 1990 but much cooler! As they progress through the game, kids travel to six famous cities, inspect hundreds of clues with a magnifying glass, and learn about geography and cultures around the world! 

The game comes in a box that looks like a briefcase filing cabinet, so the packaging is purposeful too! The maps are tri-fold and have tabs for quick-changes between traveling through the cities. Everything you need to play the game is packaged nice and neatly (plus, it’s seriously cute!). 

The Detective Agency is exciting, entertaining, and educational.Another kid friendly feature is you can change the skill and difficulty levels for your kid. For example, Rocker doesn’t realize he is learning about the culture and geography of Sydney, Australia while he is searching for the Sydney Opera House. His favorite so far was a mystery where a dinosaur skeleton was stolen from a museum. He tracked the thief down all over the city by identifying different landmarks and along the way he would earn back a piece of the dinosaur skeleton. By solving this dinosaur mystery he improved his focus and observations skills while also paying attention to details. Not to mention, he explored the world along the way! 

We have numerous other Osmo games that are compatible with both the iPad and Amazon Fire tablets. I highly encourage other mamas to check out Osmo’s games. Here is a link to their website- https://www.playosmo.com/en/shopping/games/detective/

Happy learning everyone! #OsmoSocialClub and #OsmoEasterChallange


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