Getting Out of the House Without Kids

Hey all you pretty mamas out there! When was the last time you sat down and did something for you? Such a crazy question right!? I’m blessed to have a husband that understands that to be the best “me” I’ve gotta get out of the house alone, well alone with my blondie girl, even if it’s just for 30 minutes (beggars can’t be choosers, right?). My Blonde and I have jokingly started to call them “time outs” for when this mama just needs a second of sanity!
My question to y’all is, what do you do to be “you”? Not mom things, not wife things, not running errands or picking up dinner…what’s your go-to self care outing? Mine…that’s easy!
Y’all know I have a slight obsession with Dry Bar and their blowouts, and a blowout sesh truly one of my all time favorite ways to refresh and feel like a person again. The whole experience is truly relaxing and a perfect “time out” to your day and all that’s going on. Having clean hair is one thing, but having clean STYLED hair is another level of fabulous.
They say that the simple things in life matter, and goodness it’s so true when it comes to those time out trips! Some of my other favorite outings include long walks through Hobby Lobby, kid-free field trips to Target, and of course a fabulous pedicure. Having pretty toes is a must when you live in Texas and wear flip flops 90% of the year.
Kid-free trips anywhere don’t happen very often for me, they’re actually very rare. However just a 30 minute stroll through a store or an hour to get a blow out is a must. So, ladies get out at least one a month and do YOU, booboo! Take care of YOU. After all, if you aren’t feeling good, how can you take care of everyone else? Shoot me a comment to share what you do to get out of the house!

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