Halloween Treat Mummy Edition

This Halloween themed treat is the perfect opportunity to get the kids in the kitchen.

After you’ve made the best rice krispies treats you’ve ever made in your life or purchased and unpackaged (no judgement here). Get ready to make the cutest little mummies you ever did see!

Mummy Rice Krispies Treats Ingredients:
Meltable chocolate
Piping bag or zip lock bag
Rice Krispies Treats
Sprinkle Eye Balls (Option 1 and Option 2)

Mummy Rice Krispies Treats Directions:
1. Melt chocolate in the microwave
2. Bag your melted chocolate in either a piping bag or zip lock bag
3. Cut a hole in the bottom of your piping bag or corner of the zip lock bag
4. Lay your rice krispies treats out on a sheet of parchment paper
5. Drizzle melted chocolate across the top of your rice krispies to create straight lines similar to bandages
6. Finish with eye ball sprinkles
7. Let them dry and eat them up!

Have a spooky time with the kids and enjoy these sweet treats! More treats to come so stay on the look out!

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