
DIY School Supplies Cake

You’ve heard of a Diaper Cake at baby showers, but have you ever heard of a First Grade Cake? Rocker, my first grader, came up with the name after laughing over the word “diaper” for far too long.

Our First Grade Cake has received quite the amount of love on Instagram and I am so thankful teachers love it! Here’s our supplies list, how to steps, and a video. I hope it motivates you to treat a teacher and sparks some DIY inspiration!

Want to make your own? Here’s how and what you need!
Supplies on our First Grade Cake (you can customize however you want!)
– Pack of construction paper
– Box of crayons
– Colored pencils
– Pencils
– Permanent Markers
– Highlighters
– Expo Markers
– Clorox Wipes
– Staples

To piece it all together you’ll need a hot glue gun and ribbon to top it off. Rubber bands will also support the supplies on each tier and the ribbon hides the rubber band.

1. Collect items that vary in size, largest goes on the bottom with the smallest on the top.
2. Starting with your bottom tier place a rubber band around the middle of the item horizontally.
3. Place your markers or supplies around the bottom tier with the rubber band holding it to the base. Use hot glue to support the items if needed.
4. Hot glue the next tier on top
5. Repeat the rubber band and supplies wrap around tier 2.
5. Hot glue the next tier on top
6. Repeat as needed!
7. To finish it off, hot glue some ribbon on top of the rubber bands to hide that part.

I also added a cake topper with Rockers teacher’s name but didn’t photograph that part.


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