
Cryo Slimming 2.0

So… real talk…we all have that trouble area that no matter how hard we work out  that we just can’t get rid of. For some ladies, that trouble area might change as we get older or as we have babies. I personally can’t seem to she the extra squish under and around my belly button, or the “pooch” as some call it. I’ve had two sweet babies and after each baby my stomach looks different in my opinion.

A sorority sister of mine recently shared a video of her demoing a new technology called Cryo Slimming 2.0, and after viewing it I decided I needed to give it a go too! (No sponsorship here, just sharing my honest opinion and experience!)

WhereCutting Edge Cryo
What: Cryo Slimming 2.0 (on my upper/lower abdominals)
Cost: $299 (they have specials and packages!)
Downtime: None!
Discomfort level: Zero!

The whole experience took just 28 minutes! We started with before pictures where I stood facing the camera and a side shot. If you are having your belly done like I did I would recommend shorts that don’t squeeze your fat (just saying!) and a sports bra.

Raegin performed my service and was so sweet! She answered all of my questions and explained the process before we got started with the actual service. Raegin also took three before measurements so that we could see the instant results. The Slimming 2.0 service begins with warming the area in an effort to bring the fat cells closer to the skin surface. Next comes the cold! Raegin switched the machine to a cold setting and using the wand and her hand applied pressure to break up the fat cells and cause them to die. After the cooling and the heating, the procedure was done in 28 minutes.

Verdict: No discomfort at all! It was almost relaxing. I say “almost” only because I asked so many questions that I was constantly talking.

Results: After the 28 minute service I lost 1/2 inch overall in my upper and lower abdominals. Over the next 14 days I should see more loss as my body eliminates the dead fat cells.

Raegin shared with me that they see both men and women for Cryo Slimming 2.0. This service can be done on the stomach, arms, legs, upper thighs, and many other areas. There is also a Toning option that targets loose skin and cellulite.

I’ve never tried anything like this before and actually really enjoyed it! If you’ve ever thought about it or never even heard of it, do your research and give it a try! Cutting Edge Cryo was very helpful and willing to answer all of my questions. Check out their website or Facebook page to find more information! Here’s my after picture (1 day after the procedure). I’ll post another in 14 days! Hmmm maybe I should have done my love handles too! Ha!

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